April Walters, administrative support


April has been with Covenant Care virtually since the beginning of her career. She was recently promoted to her current position of administrative assistant for corporate after serving at Holy Cross Manor and St. Marguerite Manor as the administration coordinator. While working in this capacity, the team said she was their go-to for all the help they needed. She worked well with families, residents and staff. She followed the OHS protocols and never put any one at risk despite the fact that she had to work in some very difficult circumstances when COVID-19 first emerged. She used her skills of interacting and caring for people and staff in ways that made all feel comfortable and at ease despite the need to adhere to COVID-19 restrictions.

She manages her resources well and uses the organization’s finances and materials in an appropriate way. As administration coordinator, she handled all the emails from families, directed partners within our communities who provided services in our building to the right places and ensured that deliveries of products were assigned to the correct places. She ordered supplies for both the office and for the staff promptly and with fiscal awareness. She was detailed about how the information provided for remuneration and accounting was handled ensuring that the correct documentation was completed.

April promotes an environment that supports recycling, green initiatives and energy conservation. She understands the need for confidentiality and when documents need to be disposed of in a way that is discreet and appropriate to protocol. April is the most dependable person when it comes to ordering supplies and she will advise all on the best price, the best product and the vest venue to access in order to make this happen.