Our values

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We know that it isn’t enough to only focus on our situation in life, but we are called to speak out for the needs of others, especially those whose are under-served. We work together to build healthy and just communities and speak up for those who are left out. This happens when we learn more about each other and help those who are excluded be more involved in their care or society as a whole.   

Who is a model of social justice for you?

Mission Awards Social Justice Criteria

When you nominate someone for a Mission Award – you will be asked to give examples of how they live this value based on 3 of the 7 criteria.

Does this criteria describe your nominee? 

  1. Works creatively to help marginalized individuals or groups participate more fully in their own care, teams or society as a whole.

  2. Participates in activities that celebrate diversity and increase inclusion within Covenant.

  3. Advocates for programs that provide services to under-served people or communities.

  4. Speaks out courageously and consistently for those who cannot speak for themselves.

  5. Works with others to build healthy, just communities inside and outside the Covenant family.

  6. Tries to learn about diverse people or communities and shares that knowledge with others.

  7. Welcomes those who may otherwise be excluded.


To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela

Throughout his ministry, (Jesus) met many sick people; he took on their suffering; he tore down the walls of stigma and of marginalization that prevented so many of them from feeling respected and loved. For Jesus, disease is never an obstacle to encountering people, but rather, the contrary. He taught us that the human person is always precious, always endowed with a dignity that nothing and no one can erase, not even disease. Fragility is not an ill. And disease, which is an expression of fragility, cannot and must not make us forget that in the eyes of God our value is always priceless.

Pope Francis