Mitchell Prowse, occupational therapy aide


Mitch is always ready and willing to help in whichever department to ensure Villa Marie residents get the best care they deserve. He makes sure equipment is fixed and in a good operational state, ensuring residents’ safety. He helps out the recreation department and dresses up as Santa at Christmas to give out gifts. This brings a lot of joy to the residents, families and staff.

Mitch is an active listener and finds solutions for whatever the problem is. He knows when to refer to other members of his team, and if he sees a resident hurting he will advocate for that resident. For example, one resident was having some behavioral problems and Mitch found games to play with the resident which helped calm the resident and offered an opportunity for the resident to process their emotions. He also put together a communication binder with pictures for residents who have communication barriers. This helps the staff to engage effectively with such residents.

Mitch always portrays a positive, optimist attitude at work, and everyone who passes through Villa Marie talks about his caring nature.