Unit 44 medicine


The acute internal medicine Unit 44 team at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital have excelled over the last year and a half and through all four COVID-19 waves. In August of 2020, Unit 44 was dedicated as the COVID-19 unit for GNCH. This team stepped up to the challenge and faced the uncertainty with compassion and respect for all the patients and their families.

Each wave has had its own challenges, and staff have been faced with adversity and uncertainty. During the difficult third wave, the staff saw patients who were dying without any family present and they ensured that the patient was not alone. They would sit with the patient, holding their hand and praying with them as they spoke with family via FaceTime.

During the fourth wave, this team was faced with a new challenge of having unvaccinated patients who disputed COVID-19 and were not afraid to voice their opinions. Knowing that a vaccine was available but not accessed to prevent severe disease was difficult on the staff. However, they came together with so much compassion for the patients and their families and provided the amazing care that everyone deserves.

Throughout all the adversities, this team came together to provide support to one another as a response to the difficult situation and when many staff got sick with COVID-19. The team has grown stronger personally and professionally, and their kindness shines and is an inspiration to many other teams.