Alicia Mclachlan, health care aide

“It’s the little things that have the biggest impact.” Those are words that guide Alicia’s relationships with residents at St. Teresa Place. The health care assistant knows that treating residents with utmost respect and showing compassion – even in small ways – has a big impact on their well-being and happiness.

When a resident in the memory care neighbourhood began pacing in front of the door, sometimes pounding it in frustration, Alicia understood: the resident was trying to communicate. She needed a walk and a change of scenery. Instead of judging the resident or trying to change her behavior, Alicia respected her needs. Whenever she was on shift, she took the resident out for a walk. The walks drastically reduced her episodes of pacing. It was a small act, but in the bigger picture, it was about treating someone with dignity and respect, being kind and taking her needs seriously.

Alicia is a role model of respect. She’s teaching others that caring, compassion and admiration can be best demonstrated through the little things in life.