Neils Brathwaite, administrative assistant

Neils is recognized by others at Chateau Vitaline as a centre of calm in the midst of a storm. His respectful attitude and gentle disposition – even under pressure – is a calming influence in an environment where stressful situations can occur.

Neils’ first tool is always kindness. He’s often the first person called on to speak to someone who’s upset, whether it’s a resident, family member or staff. When a resident’s family member became irate in the public reception area because she was unable to speak to a manager, Neils guided her to a family area where he gave her his full attention. He listened emphatically, calming her with his understanding and assurance that he would relay her concerns to the manager.

While Neils is an administrative assistant, unit staff have called upon him in situations outside of his realm where they know his gentle manner will help. When LPNs in the memory care unit asked him to assist with a resident who refused their attempts to administer medication, he didn’t hesitate. Neils, well-loved by the resident, immediately succeeded in getting the resident to take the medication.

The respect Neils shows everyone is a two-way street. He’s earned the respect of staff and residents because he makes them feel heard, understood and valued. Everyone is grateful for his kindness.